Computer Engineering Labs

Computer Engineering Labs

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is distinguished by the presence of a number of laboratories equipped with the latest devices, as these laboratories serve the curricula of undergraduate students. The following is a brief description of the laboratories available in the department:

Robotics Lab

The lab provides methods that contribute to learning the basics related to the latest developments in the field of robotics, planning and monitoring complex dynamic systems, and some basic information based on model foundations. Since robotics offers multidisciplinary fields that integrate science and engineering, and allows the development of different important skills, the student learns robot-oriented control engineering using Mat lab and Python programs and implements practices and prototypes of robotic systems.

Some of the specialized devices available in the lab:

    2WD robot kit.
    Line follower sensor.
    Robotic Arm 1.
    Robotic Arm 2.
    Sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, barometer.

Automatic Control Lab

This lab is equipped with the necessary devices and services to conduct experiments for the subject (Principles of Automatic Control - EE 331), as the lab contains several programs including (MATLAB and LabSoft), the lab has an experiment unit device (UniTrin-I) for automatic control technology and training in technical automatic control principles. The device includes a number of (3) different panels (Modules) for training purposes covering experiments on static characteristics and dynamic analysis of open and closed loops for different processes including automatic temperature, automatic speed, and automatic lighting control systems.

Where practical experiments can be applied in designing the controller based on proportionality (P), proportional integration (PI), and proportional integral differentiation (PID) for each type of process, and evaluating the responses to changes in a set of set points and variables.

Some of the specialized devices available in the lab:

    UniTrain Interface CO4203-2A
    UniTrain Experimenter CO4203-2B
    Practical introduction to closed-loop control cards SO4204-8E
    Experiment card "PID-Controller"
    Experiment card "Two/Three-Position Controller"
    Experiment card "Temperature, Speed and light regulated line"

Digital Design Lab

In this lab, the basic concepts of digital systems are introduced, including design and analysis, and combinational and sequential logic are covered. This lab allows them to gain experience in several levels of digital systems, starting from simple logic circuits to programmable logic devices and hardware language. Hardware experiments are consistent with the theoretical concepts presented in the class. Which includes building and verifying combinational digital circuits. Circuits are created using standard integrated circuits (ICs) installed on a trainee's breadboard. The operation of the ICs can be explained by referring to its datasheets.

Some of the specialized devices available in the lab:

    Digilent FPGA (BASYS-2)
    Digilent FPGA (BASYS-3)
    Digital Training Systems (M21-5000)