Summer Training


Summer training is a mandatory subject (2 credits/credit hours) for graduation for all majors. It is not counted in the cumulative average, but must be passed for graduation (Non Grade Pass).


The student in the summer training program is required to complete 8 to 12 weeks (400 hours) in the industry as a full-time employee.


There may be a reward from the training entity during the summer training period, and the training period may end with employment if the student takes the training in the last semester.
Steps For Summer Training:
    If the student registers for summer or cooperative training, he cannot register for other courses from the plan.
    If the student begins training, he must fill out the commencement form on the first day of training, this direct message will reach the training coordinator, the academic training supervisor, and the training supervisor at the institution where the student is training automatically.
    The attendance and departure report form is filled out every week in coordination with the training entity, then all the reports are collected and attached to the end of the final report.
    Summer training students are required to submit a report at the end of each week to the academic supervisor according to the form found in the following link Weekly Report
    The student sends the link to the final electronic evaluation form for the summer training to his training supervisor at the training entity who is responsible for the final evaluation of the student at the end of the summer training period. Once this form is sent, a copy will be sent to the training supervisor in the department’s email, indicating the information and email of the person responsible for evaluating the student. A copy will also be sent to the supervisor at the training entity. Therefore, when sending the electronic form to the supervisor at the company, he must be provided with the email of the training supervisor in the department.
    The student must submit a final report (see the contents in the file according to the following link) and a presentation at the end of the training period and request an appointment for discussion. Final Summer Training Report
    Final Report and Presentation Evaluation Tool and Criteria for Summer Training: This tool and criteria were designed as a reference for evaluating the final report and evaluating the presentation. We advise students to review them and work on achieving them before submitting the final report and conducting the discussion. The grade is given to the student according to the evaluation criteria found in this table , and Short Form for Department Training Supervisor to Evaluate Final Report and Presentation of Summer Training Material.
    The following table shows the distribution of grades, noting that the summer training grade (NP-Non Grade Pass) is not calculated in the cumulative average, nor is failure.


Lowest Mark

Highest Mark

On Fail


On-Job Training Supervisor



NoGrade-Fail (NF)


Academic Supervisor





Academic Supervisor



Oral presentation retake

