PME Bachelor Program

The undergraduate degree program is designed to study a minimum of 155 credit hours as follows:
Dear Student, to ensure timely graduation and avoid registration issues, please follow these instructions:
    The typical study program for B.Sc. students in the Biomedical Engineering Program is distributed over 10 semesters as a study plan.
    Required courses are required of all students in the program, elective courses (often referred to as open or free electives) are optional for students, and selected elective courses are those for which students must take one or more courses from a specified group.
    Free Elective: Any course within the university.
    English Language Courses’ duration is seven weeks each.
    Before starting the semester, students are advised to review the course syllabus.
    The electives course would be offered by the coordinator according to the student's desire, so the students should contact the coordinator a semester ahead.
    The students must follow the study plan for each semester.
    The course will be offered based on a study plan only with a scheduled time as the previous semester, it cannot be changed.
    For any problem with registration please contact the academic advisors.

Study Plan





CPIT 110

Programming and Problem-Solving


ELIS 101

English Language I


ELIS 102

English Language II

ELIS 101

MATH 110

General Mathematics (1)


PHYS 110

General Physics (1)



BIO 110

General Biology (1)


CHEM 110

General Chemistry I


COMM 101

Communication Skills


ELIS 103

English Language III

ELIS 102

ELIS 104

English Language IV

ELIS 103

STAT 110

General Statistics (1)



ARAB 101

Arabic Language (1)


EE 201

Structured Computer Programing

MATH 110

CPIT 110

IE 200

Technical Communication Skills

ELIS 104

MATH 202

Calculus II

MATH 110

MENG 102

Engineering Graphics


PHYS 281

General Physics Lab

PHYS 110


CHEM 281

General Chemistry Lab

CHEM 110

IE 201

Introduction to Engineering Design I

ELIS 104

COMM 101

IE 255

Engineering Economy

MATH 110

ISLS 101

Islamic Culture (1)


MATH 203

Calculus III

MATH 110

PHYS 202

General Physics II

PHYS 110

MATH 110


ARAB 201

Arabic Language (2)

ARAB 101

EE 202

Object-Oriented Computer Programming

EE 201

EE 250

Basic Electrical Circuits

PHYS 202

MATH 204

Differential Equations I

MATH 202

MATH 205

Series and Vector Analysis

MATH 202

MATH 203


EE 300

Analytical Methods in Engineering

MATH 203

EE 301

Electrical Circuits and Systems

MATH 204

EE 250

EE 311

Electronics I

EE 250

IE 202

Introduction to Engineering Design II

IE 200

IE 201

ISLS 201

Islamic Culture (2)

ISLS 101

MEP 261

Thermodynamics I

MATH 202

PHYS 281


EE 302

Electromagnetic Fields

EE 250

MATH 205

EE 303

Electrical Measurement & Instrument

EE 311

STAT 110

EE 321

Introduction to Communication

EE 301

EE 360

Digital Design I

EE 250

IE 256

Engineering Management

IE 202

IE 255


EE 331

Principle of Automatic Control

MATH 204

EE 300

EE 301

EE 332

Numerical Methods in Engineering

IE 201

MATH 204

EE 341

Electromechanical Energy conversion I

EE 250

EE 351

Electrical Power System I

EE 250

ISLS 301

Islamic Culture (3)

ISLS 201


EE 366

Microprocessor & Microcontroller

EE 202

EE 360

EE 405

Machines Lab

EE 341

EE 441

Electromechanical Energy conversion II

EE 341

EE 351

EE 442

Power Electronic I

EE 311

EE 451

Electrical Power System I

EE 351

EE 499

Senior Design Project



EE 404

Power System Lab

EE 351

EE 453

Power Transmission & Distribution

EE 351

STAT 110

EE 454

Switchgear & Production of Power System I

EE 341

EE 351

EE xxx

Elective I


EE xxx

Elective II


ISLS 401

Islamic Culture (4)

ISLS 301

Core Courses



Course Description

EE 201

Structured Computer Programming

MATH 110, CPIT 110

EE 202

Object-Oriented Computer Programming

EE 201

EE 250

Basic Electrical Circuits

PHYS 202

EE 300

Analytical Methods in Engineering

MATH 204

EE 301

Electrical Circuits and Systems

MATH 204, EE 250

EE 302

Electromagnetic Fields

MATH 204, EE 250

EE 303

Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation

EE 311, STAT 110

EE 311

Electronics I

EE 250

EE 321

Introduction to Communications

EE 301

EE 331

Principles of Automatic Control

EE 300, EE 301

EE 332

Numerical Methods in Engineering

EE 201, MATH 204

EE 341

Electromechanical Energy Conversion I

EE 250

EE 351

Electrical Power Systems I

EE 250

EE 360

Digital Design I

EE 250

EE 366

Microprocessors and Microcontrollers

EE 202, EE 360

EE 390

Summer Training

Approval of Department

EE 400

Cooperative Work

Approval of Department

EE 404

Power Systems lab

EE 351

EE 405

Machines Lab

EE 341

EE 441

Electromechanical Energy Conversion II

EE 341, EE 351

EE 442

Power Electronics I

EE 311

EE 451

Electrical Power Systems II

EE 351

EE 453

Power Transmission and Distribution

EE 351, STAT 110

EE 454

Switchgear and Protection of Power Systems I

EE 341, EE 351

EE 499

Senior Design Project

Approval of Department

Elective Courses



Course Description

MEP 369

Power Plants for Electrical Engineers

MEP 261

EE 475

Biomolecular Engineering

EE 351

EE 431

Advanced Control Systems

EE 331

EE 444

Power Electronics II

EE 442

EE 445

Utilization of Electrical Energy

EE 341, EE 351

EE 448

Power System Planning and Reliability

EE 351,STAT 110

EE 450

Power System Control

EE 331, EE 441(CO)

EE 452

High Voltage Techniques I

EE 351

EE 455

Economic Operation of Power Systems

EE 451, STAT 110

EE 458

Computer Applications in Power Systems

EE 451

EE 490

Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

Approval of Department

EE 491

Special Topics in Electrical Power Engineering

EE 451

EE 492

Special Topics in Electrical Machines

EE 451